1. Check whether the test device at the end of the sprinkler pipe network on the test floor is normal (whether the water pressure and flow meet the requirements). Check the gas fire suppression panel, and test whether its function is normal.
2. Check whether the pressure of the storage bottle meets the factory filling pressure and design requirements (whether the pointer of the pressure gauge is in the green zone), and whether there is any leakage.
3. Check whether the function of the manual and automatic emergency start, stop device is normal.
4. Clean the solenoid valve regularly, and lubricate them with silicone oil.
5. Simulate the action of the smoke and heat detectors in the fire alarm system. Check whether the ventilation and air conditioning are stopped, whether the fire damper is closed, whether the solenoid valve of the gas cylinder operates within the specified time, whether there is a deflation signal on the control panel, and whether there is a signal in the center, whether the alarm bell and the buzzer are activated.
6. Check if the gas fire suppression system bottles are out of shape or corrupted.
7. Check whether the controlling air pipe is deformed or loose, and check whether the high-pressure hose is deformed, rusted or aged.
8. Check whether the enclosure structure and openings in the gas protection area meet the requirements.